Rollins-Stewart Music Center (RSC) at TSU

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1Allee Mitchell Center on the Family
2Athletic Training Facility
3Auto Mechanics Building
4C.S. Lane Home Economics Building (HE)
5Charles P. Rhineheart Music Auditorium (RMA)
6Chemical Storage Building
7Durley Field Observation Building
8Ernest S. Sterling Student Life Center
9Everett Owens Bell Hall
10General Services Building
11George I. Allen Building
12Granville M. Sawyer Auditorium
13Health & Physical Education Building (ED) (HPE)
14Industrial Education Shop Building (IE)
15Jesse H. Jones Business Building (JHJ)
16John T. Biggers Art Center (ART)
17Lanier Hall East
18Lanier House
19Leonard H.O. Spearman Technology Building (TMOD)
20Mack H. Hannah Hall
21Martin Luther King Humanities Center (MLK)
22Public Affairs Building (PAB)
23Radio Transmitter Facility
24Raphael O'Hara Lanier Hall West
25Richfield Manor Apartments
26Robert James Terry Library
27Roderick R. Paige Education Building
28Rollins-Stewart Music Center (RSC)
29Samuel Milton Nabrit Science Center (NSC)
30Satellite Thermal Plant
31Science Building (SB)
32Spurgon E. Gray Hall (GH)
33Student Recreation Center (REC)
34Tavis Smiley KTSU Radio (KTSU)
35Tennis Facility
36Thermal Plant
37Thoton M. Fairchild Hall (FH)
38Thurgood Marshall Law School Building (LSB)
39University Health Center
40W.R. Banks Child Development Laboratory
41Warehouse & Receiving Building

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