Phi Kappa Alpha (Fraternity) at Auburn

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13-D Arts Studio Building
2Academic Classroom and Laboratory Complex (ACLC)
3Advanced Structural Engineering Laboratory (ASEL)
4Agricultural Heritage Park
5Agricultural Heritage Park (Dairy Barn)
6Agricultural Heritage Park (Herdsman House)
7Agricultural Heritage Park (Lowder Red Barn)
8Agricultural Heritage Park (Pavilion)
9Alabama Crop Improvement Association (ACIA)
10Alabama Forensics Lab
11Alabama Seed Technology Center
12ALFA Agricultural Building
13Allison Laboratory (Demolished, See ACLC)
14Alpha Gamma Rho (Fraternity)
15Alpha Sigma Phi (Fraternity)
16Alpha Tau Omega (Fraternity)
17Alumni Center
18Andrews Forestry Sciences Laboratory
19ARTF Building
20Asset Management Building (Pumphrey Avenue)
21Assisted Reproductive Technologies Barn
22Athletics Complex
23Athletics Video Services Building
24AU Air Transportation Hanger
25AU Maintenance Hanger
26AU Regional Airport Fuel Farm
27AU Regional Airport Terminal
28Aubie Residence Hall
29Auburn Medical Pavilion (East Alabama Health)
30Auburn University Bookstore
31Auburn University RFID Lab
32Auburn University Student Pharmacy
33Auburn University Veterinary Clinic
34Aviary Research Greenhouse
35Aviary Research Lab 1
36Aviary Research Lab 2
37Bailey Small Animal Teaching Hospital
38Band Field
39Band Field Pavilion
40Band Rehearsal Hall (Storage)
41Bartlett Lameness Arena
42Bartlett Raptor Center Hospital
43Beard Handball Courts
44Beard-Eaves-Memorial Coliseum
45Bee Laboratory (AUBEES)
46Beta Upsilon Chi
47Biggin Hall
48Biggin-Woltosz House
49Biggio Center (ACLC Suite
50Biodiversity Learning Center (BLC)
51Biological Engineering Research Laboratory (BERL)
52Biological Research Facility
53Bioresource Lab
54Boyd Residence Hall
55Broun Hall
56Broun Residence Hall
57Brown-Kopel Engineering Student Achievement Center
58Bull Testing Facility
59Burton Hall
60Cambridge Residence Hall
61Campus Green
62Campus Safety & Security
63Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts & Humanities (CAH)
64Cary Hall
65Cater Hall (Honors College)
66Cater Lawn
67CDV - 103 Hemlock Drive
68CDV - Laundry
69CDV - Office
70CDV - Shop
71Center for Advanced Science, Innovation and Commerce (CASIC)
72Center for Aquatic Resource Management
73Central Dining Commons
74Chapel (University)
75Chemistry Building
76Children, Youth & Families Center
77Chilled Water Plant 1
78Chilled Water Plant 2 - Duncan Drive
79Chilled Water Plant 3 - Veterinary Medicine
80College of Agriculture
81College of Architecture
82College of Education
83College of Human Sciences
84College of Liberal Arts
85College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM)
86College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
87Comer Hall
88Community Room Building
89Corley Building
90Creel Equestrian Center
91CVM Building A
92CVM Building B1
93CVM Building B2
94CVM Building C
95CVM Building D
96CVM Building E
97CVM Building F
98CVM Building G
99CVM Multipurpose Building
100Dairy Barn
101Davis Arboretum
102Davis Arboretum Pavilion
103Davis Arboretum Storage
104Davis Hall
105Dawson Building
106Delta Air Lines Aviation Education Building
107Delta Chi (Fraternity)
108Delta Kappa Epsilon (Fraternity)
109Delta Tau Delta (Fraternity)
110Design and Construction
111District Energy Plant
112Dobbs Residence Hall
113Donald E. Davis Arboretum
114Dowdell Residence Hall
115Dowell Residence Hall
116Draughon Library (RBD)
117Draughon Village Extension (Demolished)
118Dudley Commons
119Dudley Hall
120Dudley Shop
121Duncan Hall
122Duncan Residence Hall
123Dunn Residence Hall
124Dunstan Hall
125Early Learning Center
126East Glenn Administrative Complex
127Engineering Shops (Demolished)
128Environmental Health & Safety Building 1
129Environmental Health & Safety Building 2
130Environmental Health & Safety Building 3
131Equestrian Center Arena Pavilion
132Equestrian Center Barn A
133Equine Research Lab Building
134Equine Teaching & Performance Center
135Extension Hall
136Facilities Management Complex
137Fahbe Laboratory
138FarmHouse (Fraternity)
139Fisheries Annex (Demolished)
140Fisheries Biodiversity Research Laboratory
141Food Animal Research Facility
142Food Service Building
143Forensic Science Building
144Forest Products Laboratory
145Forestry, Wildlife and Environment Building (CFWE)
146Foy Hall
147Funchess Hall
148Garden of Memory
149Gavin Engineering Research Laboratory
150Genetics Laboratory
151Genetics Laboratory Annex
152Gilmer-Turnham / State Laboratory
153Glenn Residence Hall
154Gogue Performing Arts Center (GPAC)
155Golden House
156Goodwin Hall
157Goodwin-Adams Equine Reproduction Center (ERC)
158Gorrie Center
159Graves Amphitheatre
160Graves Cottage
161Graves Residence Hall
162Greene Hall
163Greene Hall Annex
164Griffin Barn - Equine
165Haley Center
166Halliday Cary Pick House (Cary Center)
167Ham Wilson Livestock Arena (Demolished)
168Harbert Center
169Harbert Family Recruiting Center
170Hardaway Broodmare Facility
171Hargis Hall / Graduate School
172Harper Residence Hall
173Hay Barn
174Hoerlein Small Animal Hospital
175Hoerlin Hall
176Hollifield Residence Hall
177Holloway Residence Hall
178Horticulture Storage
179Horton-Hardgrave Hall
180Hot Water Plant 1 (Duncan Drive)
181Hot Water Plant 2 (Veterinary Medicine)
182Hutsell Track (Demolished) (See Woltosz Football Performance Center)
183Hutsell-Rosen Track
184Indoor Practice Facility
185Information Technology Building
186Ingram Hall
187Intramural Field House
188Intramural Playing Fields
189Intramural Softball Field
190Ireland Center
191Jack Key Golf Teaching Facility
192Jane B. Moore Field
193Jordan-Hare Stadium (Pat Dye Field)
194Kappa Alpha (Fraternity)
195Keller Residence Hall
196Kentucky VMA Barn
197Kinesiology Building
198Knapp Residence Hall
199Kreher Preserve & Nature Center
200L Building (Demolished)
201Lambda Chi Alpha (Fraternity)
202Lambert-Powell Meats Laboratory
203Lane Residence Hall
204Langdon Annex
205Langdon Hall
206Langdon Steam Plant
207Laster / Clark Raptor Training Facility
208Leach Science Center
209Leischuck Residence Hall (Willow Residence Hall)
210Linear Accelerator Laboratory
211Little Residence Hall
212Lovelace Hall of Honor
213Lowder Hall / College of Business
214Lowder Student Athlete Development Center
215Lupton Residence Hall
216M Residence Hall
217Magnolia Residence Hall
218Mailroom Building
219Marriage & Family Therapy Center (Suite 202)
220Martin Aquatics Center
221Mary Martin Hall
222Matthews Residence Hall
223McAdory Hall (See Bailey Small Animal Teaching Hospital)
224McClary Barn - Dairy Hospital
225McWhorter Center
226Medical Clinic
227Mell Classroom Building
228Mell Hall (Demolished)
229Melton Student Center
230Miller Center
231Miller Hall
232Moore Softball Complex
233Moore Softball Complex - Softball Performance Center
234Museum of Natural History (AUMNH)
235Neville Arena (Auburn Arena)
236Nichols Center
237NPHC Legacy Plaza
238Nursing Building (College of Nursing)
239Oak Residence Hall
240Owen Residence Hall
241Parker Hall
242Parking Deck - Campus Green
243Parking Deck - Draughon Library (RBD)
244Parking Deck - North Park (Village)
245Parking Deck - South College Street
246Parking Deck - South Donahue
247Parking Deck - South Quad
248Parking Services (2nd Floor)
249Paterson Greenhouses
250Pebble Hill - Lowrey Guest House
251Pebble Hill - Scott-Yarbrough House
252Pesticide Research Laboratory
253Petrie Hall
254Pharmaceutical Research Building (PRB)
255Phi Delta Theta (Fraternity)
256Phi Gamma Delta (Fraternity)
257Phi Kappa Alpha (Fraternity)
258Phi Kappa Phi (Fraternity)
259Phi Kappa Tau (Fraternity)
260Phi Sigma Kappa (Fraternity)
261Physiology Building (Demolished)
262Pitts Hangars
263Plainsman Park
264Plainsman Park - Player Development Center
265Plainsman Park - Strength & Rehabilitation Center
266Plainsman Residence Hall
267Plant Science Research Center
268Pool Equipment Building
269Post Mortem Building
270Poultry Disease Research Lab A
271Poultry Disease Research Lab B
272Poultry Science Building
273President's Garden Pavilion
274President's House
275Property Services Building (Pumphrey Avenue)
276Quad Center
277Ramsay Hall
278Rane Culinary Science Center
279Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC)
280Research and Innovation Center
281Research Park
282Richards House
283Risk Management and Safety Building
284Robins & Morton Construction Field Lab
285Ross Hall
286Rouse Life Sciences Building
287Samford Hall
288Samford Park
289Samford Stadium - Hitchcock Field
290Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
291Sasnett Residence Hall
292Satellite Uplink Facility
293School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
294Science Center Laboratory Building
295Sciences Center Auditorium Building
296Sciences Center Classroom Building
297Scott-Ritchey Building B
298Scott-Ritchey Research Center
299Sewell Residence Hall (Demolished)
300Shelby Center for Engineering Technology
301Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Fraternity)
302Sigma Chi (Fraternity)
303Sigma Nu (Fraternity)
304Sigma Pi (Fraternity)
305Sigma Tau Gamma (Fraternity)
306Smith Hall (M.W.) (Forestry Building)
307Smith Hall (O.D.)
308Smith Museum of Fine Art
309Soccer and Track Facility
310Soccer Complex
311Soccer Field
312Soil & Plant Samples Building
313Solar House (Demolished)
314South Donahue Residence Hall
315Southeastern Center of Robotics Education (SCORE) (Room 1120)
316Spidle Hall
317Stallion Barn
318State Diagnostics Laboratory
319Student Activities Center
320Student Activity Pavilon
321Sugg Calf Barn
322Sugg Hay Barn
323Sugg Laboratory
324Sunny Slope (OLLI)
325Swingle Hall
326Talon Residence Hall
327Tau Kappa Epsilon (Fraternity)
328Teague Residence Hall
329Telecommunications & ETV (See Athletics Video Services Building)
330Telecommunications & ETV Film Lab
331Telecommunications & ETV Scene Shop
332Television Studio Building
333Telfair Peet Theatre
334Tennis Courts
335Terrell Dining Hall
336Thach Hall
337The Hotel / Dixon Conference Center
338The SportsPlex
339Theta Chi (Fraternity)
340Tichenor Hall
341Toomer Residence Hall
342Toomer's Corner
343Upchurch Hall
344USDA Research Laboratory
345USDA Soil Dynamics Laboratory
346Vaughan Large Animal Hospital
347Veterinary Aquatic Pathobiology Building (Fish Research)
348Veterinary Education Center
349Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM)
350Village View Dining Facility
351Walker Building / Harrison School of Pharmacy
352Wallace Hall
353Walter MRI Research Building
354War Eagle Productions
355War Eagle Supply Co. (Convenience Store)
356Ware Diagnostic Imaging Center
357Watson Field House
358Wellness Kitchen
359Whitten House
360Wiggins Hall
361Williams Family Barn
362Wilmore Laboratories
363Wilson Beef Teaching Laboratory
364Wolfe Barn - Beef Hospital
365Woltosz Engineering Research Lab
366Woltosz Football Performance Center
367Yarbrough Tennis Center

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