West Campus at ISU

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141 Nichols Hall
243 Dyer Hall
35Th Street
4Administration (ADMIN)
5Albion Hall (ALBN)
6Alumni House - Magnuson
7Art / Museum Storage (MSTOR)
8Aviation Mech (AIR)
9Bartz Field (BARTZ)
10Biology - Gale Life Science (LS)
11Busco Park
12Business / Technology Center
13Business Administration (BA)
14Cadet Field (CADET)
15Child Care - Early Learning Center / ASISU
16College Of Technology (RFC)
17Colonial Hall (COL)
18Continuing Education - ISU (CONED)
19Credit Union - ISU Federal
20Davis Field House
21Dental Hygiene Clinic - Tranmer (CLIN)
22Dental Hygiene Sciences - Tranmer (DA)
23Diesel Electric - Dowling (DB)
24Diesel Mechanics - Armory (ARM)
25Education (ED)
26Energy Systems Technology & Education Center (ESTEC)
27Engineering - Lillibridge (LEL)
28Engineering - Mcerc (Measurement/Central Engineering Research Center)
29Family Medicine / Dental Sciences (FMED/DS)
30Fine Arts (FA)
31Frazier Hall (FRAZ)
32Fuel Station - ISU
33Garrison Hall (GARR)
34Graveley Hall (GRAV)
35Grounds Shop
36Hazardous Waste
37Heat Plant
38Holt Arena (HOLT)
39Hospital - Vacant
40Human Development Center (HDC)
42Information Booth
43Law Enforcement (LAW)
44LDS Institute Of Religion (INST)
45Lecture Center (LC)
46Liberal Arts - Kegel (LA)
47Library - Eli M. Oboler (LIBR)
48Linear Accelerator
49Linear Accelerator (Inspection Technology Research & Development Lab)
50M & O - Facilities Services
51Maintenance / Welding Shops
52Mcintosh Manor
53Museum - Idaho Museum Of National History (MUSE)
54Nursing - Beckley (NURS)
55Nursing Home - Pocatello Care & Rehab
56Owen-Redfield Complex (OWEN)
57Performing Arts Center - Stephens (SPAC)
58Pharmacy - Leonard Hall (LH)
59Physical Science / Complex (PS / PSC)
60Plant Sciences (PLSCI)
61Pocatello Airport
62Public Safety
63Pulling Courts
64Quadrangle - Hutchinson Memorial (QUAD)
65Recreation Facility (REC)
66Red Hill (REDHL)
67Reed Gymnasium (GYM)
68Rendezvous (REND)
69Ridge Crest
71Schubert Heights
72Shipping & Receiving / Maintenance Shops
74Speech Pathology / Audiology (SPA)
75Sports & Orthopedic Center (SPMED)
76St. John'S Center (St. John)
77Student Health Center
78Student Union & Bookstore (PSUB)
79Swanson Arch
80Trade & Technology (T&T)
81Transportation Services Shop
82Turner House (TURN)
83University Bible Church (UBC)
84University Courts
85University Stores - Warehouse 2
86Vocational Arts (VOART)
87West Campus

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