Intramural Building (SIM) at SDSU

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1Abbott Hall (SAH)
2Academic Evaluation & Assessment (SFND)
3Administration Building (SAD)
4Admissions (SESC)
5Agricultural Engineering (SAE)
6Agricultural Heritage Museum (SAGM)
7Alfred Dairy Science Hall (SDS)
8Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity (Men's)
9Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity (Women's)
10American Indian Education & Cultural Center (SFND)
11Animal Disease Research (SAR)
12Animal Resource Wing (SAW)
13Animal Science Arena (SAA)
14Animal Science Complex (SAS)
15Avera Health & Science Center (SAW)
16Bailey Rotunda (SRO)
17Ben Reifel Hall (SREF)
18Berg Agricultural Hall (SAG)
19Binnewies Hall (SBN)
20Brown Hall (SBH)
21Caldwell Hall (SCH)
22Central Heating Plant (SPC)
23Communications Center (SCM)
24Coolidge Sylvan Theatre (SSY)
25Coughlin Campanile
26Coughlin-Alumni Stadium (SCSD)
27Crothers Engineering Hall (SCEH)
28Dairy Bar (SDM)
29Daktronics Engineering Hall (SDEH)
30Davis Dairy Plant (SDS)
31DePuy Military Hall (SDP)
32Doner Auditorium (SAD)
33Dykhouse Student-Athlete Center (SDSC)
34East Headhouse (SEHH)
35Education Center (SPC)
36Enrollment Services Center (SESC)
37Erv Huether Field
38Ethel A. Martin Building (SEM)
39Facilities & Services (Customer Service Center) (SFCS)
40Facilities & Services (SFS)
41Farmhouse Fraternity (Men's)
42Financial Services (SESC)
43Fishback Studio Theater (SPAC)
44Foundation Seed Conditioning (SFSS)
45Frost Arena (SPE)
46Grove Hall (SGH)
47Hansen Hall (SHN)
48Harding Hall (SHH)
49Heat Power Lab (SCSD)
50Honors Hall (SHON)
51Horse Unit
52Horticulture & Forestry (SHF)
53Horticulture Greenhouse (SHG)
54Hyde Hall (SHYD)
55Intramural Building (SIM)
56Jackrabbit Softball Field
57Jerome J. Lohr Building (SDSU Foundation)
58Larson Commons (SLC)
59Larson Memorial Concert Hall (SPAC)
60Library (Hilton M. Briggs) (SBL)
61Lincoln Music Hall (SLM)
62Mathews Hall (SMH)
63McCrory Gardens Education & Visitor Center
64Meadows North Apartments (SMN)
65Meadows South Apartments (SMS)
66Medal of Honor Park
67Motor Pool Complex (SMPC)
68Northern Plains Biostress Lab (SNP)
69Old Horticulture (SOHO)
70Performing Arts Center (SPAC)
71Peterson Recital Hall (SLM)
72Physiology Laboratory (SPL)
73Pierson Hall (SPR)
74Plant Science Building (SPSB)
75Pugsley Continuing (SPC)
76Roberts Reception Hall (SPAC)
77Rodeo Grounds
78Sanford-Jackrabbit Athletic Complex (SSJC)
79Schultz Hall (SSCH)
80Scobey Hall (SSC)
81SDSU Bookstore (SSU)
82SDSU Disc Golf Course
83Seedhouse (SSD)
84Sexauer Field (SSF)
85Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity (Men's)
86Solberg Hall (SSO)
87Sorenson Center (SSOR)
88South Dakota Art Museum (SMU)
89Spencer Hall (SSH)
90Stanley J. Marshall HPER Center (SPE)
91State Court Family Housing (SSC)
92State Village Family Housing (SSV)
93Thorne Hall (STH)
94Tompkins Alumni Center (STA)
95University Student Union (SSU)
96Volstorff Ballroom (SSU)
97Wagner Hall (SWG)
98Waneta Hall (SWN)
99Wecota Annex (SWX)
100Wecota Hall (SWC)
101Wellness Center (SSWC)
102Wenona Hall (SWE)
103West Hall (SWH)
104West Headhouse & Greenhouse (SWHH)
105Wheat Commission Greenhouse (SWCD)
106Wintrode Student Center (SWSC)
107Woodbine Cottage (SWBC)
108Yeager Hall (SYE)
109Young Hall (SYH)

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