Karpen Garden at UNCA

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1118 W.T. Weaver (118)
2Ashe Hall (ASH)
3Belk Theatre (BEL)
4Botanical Gardens
5Brown Hall (BRO)
6Brumit Pisgah House (BPH)
7Carmichael Hall (CAR)
8Curry Courtyard
9Founders Hall (FOU)
10Gardner Hall (GAR)
11Glasshouse (GLA)
12Glenn's Creek Greenway
13Governors Hall (GOV)
14Greenwood Fields
15Highsmith Union (HIG)
16Hoey Hall (HOE)
17Humanities Lecture Hall (HLH)
18Justice Center (JUS)
19Karpen Garden
20Karpen Hall (KAR)
22Lipinsky Hall (LIP)
23Millar Facilities Complex (MFC)
24Mills Hall (MIL)
25Moore Hall (MOO)
26Mullen Park
27New Hall (NEW)
28Overlook Hall (OVE)
29Owen Hall (OWE)
30Permaculture Garden
31Phillips Hall (PHI)
32Ramsey Library (RAM)
33Reed Plaza
34Reuter Center (REU)
35Reynolds Green
36Rhoades Robinson Hall (RRO)
37Scott Hall (SCO)
38Sherrill Center / Kimmel Arena (SHE)
39South Ridge Hall (SOU)
40Straus Track
41Student Environmental Center Garden
42Student Recreation Center (SRC)
43Tennent Park / Outdoor Classroom
44University Quadrangle
45Vance Hall (VAN)
46Weizenblatt Hall (WEI)
47West Ridge Hall (WES)
48Zageir Hall (ZAG)
49Zeis Hall (ZEI)

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