Shoreline Ridge 826 (SR 826) at University of Utah

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1295 Chipeta Way (295 Ch)
2320 Wakara (Myriad Genetics) (320 Wa)
3360 Wakara Way (CED/Sarcos) (360 Wa)
4375 Chipeta Way (375 Ch)
5383 Colorow (383 Co)
6390 Wakara Way (Idaho Tech) (390 Wa)
7391 Chipeta Way (391 Ch)
8400 Wakara Way (Idaho Tech) (400 Wa)
9410 Chipeta Way (410 Ch)
10417 Wakara Way (Biomed Research Building) (417 Wa)
11419 Wakara Way (419 Wa)
12420 Chipeta Way (420 Ch)
13421 Wakara Way (421 Wa)
14423 Wakara Way (423 Wa)
15480 Wakara Way (480 Wa)
16500 Chipeta Way (500 Ch)
17500 Huntsman Way (Huntsman Corp) (500 Hu)
18505 Wakara Way (505 Wa)
19540 Arapeen (540 Ar)
20546 Chipeta (ARUP)
21560 Arapeen (560 Ar)
22575 Chipeta (575 Ch)
23585 Komas (Consolidated Data Center) (585 Ko)
24600 Komas (Rockwell Collins) (600 Ko)
25606 Blackhawk (606 Bh)
26609 First Security Business House (FD 609)
27615 Arapeen (Paradigm I) (615 Ar)
28630 Komas (Blackrock) (630 Ko)
29650 Komas (650 Ko)
30675 Arapeen (Paradigm II) (675 AR)
31770 Komas (770 Ko)
32A. Ray Olpin Union (Union)
33Alfred Emery (AEB)
34Alice Sheets Marriott Center for Dance (MCD)
35Aline Wilmot Skaggs Biology Residence Bl (ASB)
36Alumni House (Alumni)
37Ambulatory Parking Structure (APS)
38American Indian Resource Center (FDAIRC)
39Annette Poulson Cumming College of Nursing Building (CNB)
40Annex General Office (Annex)
41Arboretum Greenhouse (GH ARB)
42Architecture (ARCH)
43Art Building (Art)
44Atmospheric Sciences - Mountain Meteorology Lab (ATMOS)
45Baseball Dugouts (Dugout)
46Benchmark Plaza 820 (BP820)
47Benchmark Plaza 821 (BP821)
48Benchmark Plaza 822 (BP822)
49Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts and Education Complex (SAEC)
50Biology (Biol)
51Biology / Theatre Storage (BTS)
52Biology Growth Site (Biol S)
53Biomedical Polymers Research Building (BPRB)
54Boat House (FD 670)
55Brooks Arcade (Bd1001)
56Building 124 (Bd 124)
57Buildings & Grounds (Blg / Gr)
58Business Classroom (Bu C)
59C Roland Christensen Center (CRCC)
60Campus Bike Shop (BIKE)
61Carolyn Tanner Irish Humanities Building (CTIHB)
62Cauldron (Cauld)
63Cauldron Legacy Plaza VC (Plaza)
64Chapel Glen 802 (CG 802)
65Chapel Glen 803 (CG 803)
66Chapel Glen 804 (CG 804)
67Chase N. Peterson Heritage Center (H CTR)
68Children's Special Needs Clinic (Bd 379)
69Civil and Materials Engineering (CME)
70Clinical Neurosciences Building (CNC)
71College of Social Work (SW)
72Commuter Services Bike Barn (CSBB)
73Crocker College of Science House (FD 613)
74David P Gardner Hall (DGH)
75Donna Garff Marriott Residential Scholars Community (MHC)
76Dumke Gymnastics Center (DGC)
77Dumke Health Professions Educational Building (HPEB)
78E. Campus Chiller / HTW Plant (ECP)
79E. E. Jones Medical Science Building (EEJMRB)
80Eccles Broadcast Center (EBC)
81Eccles Critical Care Pavilion (ECCP)
82Eccles Health Sciences Education (HSEB)
83Eccles Health Sciences Library (Eccles)
84Eccles House (EH)
85Eccles Institute of Human Genetics (EIHG)
86Edwin & Grace Madsen Health Center (MHCB)
87Einar Nielsen Fieldhouse (FLD H)
88Em's Sprout House (SPROUT)
89Emma Eccles Jones Fine Arts House (FD 607)
90Environmental Health & Safety (FD 605)
91Experimental Studies Building (ESB)
92Ezekiel R. & Edna Dumke Building (Dumke)
93Film and Media Arts Building (FMAB)
94Floyd and Jeri Meldrum Civil Engineering Building (MCE)
95Fort Douglas Bandstand (FD 634)
96Fort Douglas Bowling Alley (FD 640)
97Fort Douglas Chapel (FD 648)
98Fort Douglas Commander's House (FD 620)
99Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 601)
100Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 602)
101Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 606)
102Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 615)
103Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 616)
104Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 617)
105Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 656)
106Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 657)
107Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 658)
108Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 660)
109Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 664)
110Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 665)
111Fort Douglas Duplex (FD 666)
112Fort Douglas Honors Center (FD 619)
113Fort Douglas House (FD 621)
114Fort Douglas House (FD 623)
115Fort Douglas House (FD 624)
116Fort Douglas House (FD 625)
117Fort Douglas House (FD 653)
118Fort Douglas House (FD 661)
119Fort Douglas House (FD 662)
120Fort Douglas House (FD 663)
121Fort Douglas House (Interfaith) (FD 603)
122Fort Douglas Museum (FD 631)
123Fort Douglas Museum (FD 632)
124Fort Douglas Museum (FD 655)
125Fort Douglas Officer's Club (FD 649)
126Fort Douglas PO Shops (FD 644)
127Fort Douglas Property Surplus (FD 627)
128Fort Douglas Public Safety (FD 659)
129Fort Douglas PX (FD 638)
130Fort Douglas Residential Living (FD 676)
131Fort Douglas Residential Storage (FD 626)
132Fort Douglas Storage (Plumb) (FD 645)
133Fort Douglas Storage (Res Liv) (FD 643)
134Fort Douglas Theatre (FD 636)
135Fort Douglas Triplex (FD 618)
136Frederick Albert Sutton Building (FASB)
137Gateway Heights 806 (GH 806)
138Gateway Heights 807 (GH 807)
139George S Eccles 2002 Legacy Bridge
140George S. Eccles Tennis Center (GETC)
141George Thomas Building (GTB)
142Golf Shop (Glf Sh)
143Grounds Storage Building (Bd 304)
144Health Science NE Terrace (HSNET)
145Health Science Parking Center (HSCPT)
146Heating Maintenance (Heat M)
147Hedco (Hedco)
148Henry Eyring Chemistry Building (HEB)
149High Temperature Water Plant (HTW)
150Hoberman Arch (H Arch)
151HPER Building Mech S/E (HPR SE)
152HPER Building Mech S/W (HPR SW)
153HPER East (HPR E)
154HPER Natatorium (HPRNAT)
155HPER North (HPR N)
156HPER West (HPR W)
157HSC North Parking Terrace & Helipad (HNPTH)
158Human Resources (420 Wa)
159Huntsman Cancer Hospital (HCH)
160Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI)
161Huntsman Center (JHC)
162Imaging and Neurosciences Center (729 Ar)
163Institute Parking Structure (InstPk)
164Intermountain Network Scientific CC (INSCC)
165J. T. Kingsbury Hall (KH)
166James Fletcher (JFB)
167James LeVoy Sorenson Molecular Biotechnology Building (SMBB)
168James Talmage (JTB)
169Jewish Community Center (JCC)
170John A. Moran Eye Center (Moran)
171John R Park (Park)
172John Widtsoe Building (JWB)
173Kennecott Building (Kenn B)
174Kennecott House (FD KEN)
175Kenneth & Sally Burbidge Athletics Academy (KBAC)
176L.S. Skaggs Hall (SK H)
177L.S. Skaggs Jr. Research Building (SRB)
178Languages & Communication (LNCO)
179LDS (B 3504)
180LEAP House (LEAP House)
181LeRoy Cowles (LCB)
182Library Storage (Lib Sg)
183Life Sciences (LS)
184Lowell Bennion Service House (FD 614)
185Marcia & John Price Museum (Price)
186Marriott Library (M Lib)
187Maxwell Wintrobe Research Building (Wintro)
188Medical Center Parking Terrace (MCPT)
189Medical Examiners Office (MedEx)
190Medical Plaza North Tower (Bd 701)
191Medical Plaza South Tower (Bd 702)
192Medical Plaza Townhouses North (Bd 706)
193Medical Plaza Townhouses South (Bd 707)
194Medical Research & Education (MREB)
195Merrill Engineering (MEB)
196Milton Bennion Hall (MBH)
197Mineral Processing Lab (MPL)
198Mining Systems Research Lab (MSRL)
199Motor Pool (Motor)
200Motor Pool Gas Station (Gas St)
201Natural History Museum of Utah (NHMU)
202Naval Science (NS)
203Nora Eccles Harrison (CVRTI)
204North Campus Chiller Plant (N.Chiller)
205O.C. Tanner Humanities House (FD 612)
206Office Building 44 (Bd 44)
207Orson Spencer Hall (OSH)
208Outdoor Recreation (FD 650)
209PCMC Ambulatory Care (EPCOS)
210PCRTC (497 Co)
211Performing Arts (PAB)
212Physical Plant Services (PP Ser)
213Physics Building (Phys)
214Pierre Lassonde Entrepreneur Center (PLEC)
215Playfield RR and Concessions
216Poulson Honors House (FD 610)
217PPO Greenhouse (PPO GH)
218Primary Children's Medical Center (PCMC)
219Primary Children's Parking Terrace (PCPT)
220Public Safety (Safety)
221Quinney College of Law House (FD 608)
222Radiobiology Lab (RB ADM)
223Radiobiology Lab (RB LAB)
224Radiological Health Storage Building 516 (Bd 516)
225Recycling Center (RECYCL)
226Red Butte Equipment (Equip)
227Red Butte Garden Amphitheater (RBGAMP)
228Red Butte Garden Rose House (B 325)
229Red Butte Greenhouse (RB Gre)
230Red Butte Trailer (RB Tra)
231Regulated Waste Management Facility (RWMF)
232Research Administration Building (RAB)
233Rice-Eccles Stadium (Stad)
234Richard K. Hemingway Orangerie (Orange)
235Rosenblatt Home (Rosen)
236S J Quinney College of Law (Law)
237S J Quinney Law Library (Law L)
238S. Clark Football Ct (Clark)
239Sage Point 810 (SP 810)
240Sage Point 811 (SP 811)
241Sage Point 812 (SP 812)
242Sage Point 813 (SP 813)
243Sage Point 814 (SP 814)
244School of Medicine (SOM)
245Sculpture Building (Sculpt)
246Shop Building (Shop)
247Shoreline Ridge 825 (SR 825)
248Shoreline Ridge 826 (SR 826)
249Shoreline Ridge 827 (SR 827)
250Shoreline Ridge 828 (SR 828)
251Shoreline Ridge 829 (SR 829)
252Shoreline Ridge 830 (SR 830)
253Simmons Pioneer Memorial Theatre (PMT)
254Ski Building (SKI BLDG)
255Social & Behavioral Science (Beh S)
256Space Planning & Management (Space)
257Spence and Cleone Eccles Football Center (SCEFC)
258Spence Eccles Field House (SEFH)
259Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building (SFEBB)
260Sponsored Projects (S Proj)
261Steam Generating P1 (StmGen)
262Sterling Sill Center (Sill)
263Storage Building 214 (Bd 214)
264Storage Building 515 (Bd 515)
265Student Apartments East 1100A (Bd 761)
266Student Apartments East 1100B (Bd 762)
267Student Apartments East 1100C (Bd 763)
268Student Apartments East 1100D (Bd 764)
269Student Apartments East 1200A (Bd 765)
270Student Apartments East 1200B (Bd 766)
271Student Apartments East 1300A (Bd 767)
272Student Apartments East 1300B (Bd 768)
273Student Apartments East 1400A (Bd 769)
274Student Apartments East 1400B (Bd 770)
275Student Apartments East 1400C (Bd 771)
276Student Apartments East 1400D (Bd 772)
277Student Apartments East 1500A (Bd 773)
278Student Apartments East 1500B (Bd 774)
279Student Apartments East Comm Ctr (CC 775)
280Student Apartments Main Office (Bd 721)
281Student Apartments Maintenance Office (Bd 720)
282Student Apartments Storage Facility (Bd 722)
283Student Apartments West 1000A (Bd 757)
284Student Apartments West 1000B (Bd 758)
285Student Apartments West 1000C (Bd 759)
286Student Apartments West 100A (Bd 723)
287Student Apartments West 100B (Bd 724)
288Student Apartments West 100C (Bd 725)
289Student Apartments West 100D (Bd 749)
290Student Apartments West 200A (Bd 726)
291Student Apartments West 200B (Bd 727)
292Student Apartments West 200C (Bd 728)
293Student Apartments West 200D (Bd 729)
294Student Apartments West 300A (Bd 730)
295Student Apartments West 300B (Bd 731)
296Student Apartments West 300C (Bd 732)
297Student Apartments West 300D (Bd 733)
298Student Apartments West 400A (Bd 734)
299Student Apartments West 400B (Bd 735)
300Student Apartments West 400C (Bd 736)
301Student Apartments West 400D (Bd 737)
302Student Apartments West 500A (Bd 738)
303Student Apartments West 500B (Bd 739)
304Student Apartments West 500C (Bd 740)
305Student Apartments West 500D (Bd 741)
306Student Apartments West 600A (Bd 742)
307Student Apartments West 600B (Bd 743)
308Student Apartments West 600C (Bd 744)
309Student Apartments West 600D (Bd 745)
310Student Apartments West 700A (Bd 746)
311Student Apartments West 700B (Bd 747)
312Student Apartments West 700C (Bd 748)
313Student Apartments West 800A (Bd 750)
314Student Apartments West 800B (Bd 751)
315Student Apartments West 800C (Bd 752)
316Student Apartments West 900A (Bd 753)
317Student Apartments West 900B (Bd 754)
318Student Apartments West 900C (Bd 755)
319Student Apartments West 900D (Bd 756)
320Student Apartments West Comm Ctr (CC 760)
321Student Services (SSB)
322Thatcher Building for Biological and Biophysical Chemistry (TBBC)
323The Children's Center (ChCtr)
324Track and Field Storage Building (TFSB)
325University Campus Store (U CampStor)
326University Guest House (GUEST)
327University Hospital (U Hosp)
328University Hospital Parking Terr. (UHPT)
329University Kids (Ukids)
330UU Neuropsychiatric Institution (UUNI)
331UU Orthopaedic Center (UUOC)
332V. Randall Turpin University Service Building (VRTUSB)
333VA Building
334VA Building
335VA Building
336VA Building
337VA Building
338VA Building T5 (B 3460)
339Veteran State Nursing Home
340Voice & Opera Center (Voice)
341Walter P. Cottam Visitors Center (CVC)
342Warnock Engineering Building (WEB)
343Watson Labs (577 Ch)
344West Institute (W INST)
345West Pavilion (hosp) (WPAV)
346West Pavilion Generating Plant (WPGP)
347William Browning (WBB)
348William Stewart (ST)
349Woman's Softbal Complex (WSC)

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