Scrugham Engineering / Mines (SEM) at UNR

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1Agricultural Education (AE)
2Anderson Health Science (AHS)
3Ansari Business Building (AB)
4Applied Research Facility (ARF)
5Argenta Hall (AHS)
6Artemesia Building (ARTM)
7ASUN Bookstore (See - Joe Crowley S.U.) (JCSU)
8Athletic Academic Center (MWPB)
9Brian Whalen Parking Complex (BWPC)
10Bringham Building (See - Family Medicine Center) (FMC)
11Cain Hall (See - Edmund J. Cain Hall) (EJCH)
12Canada Hall (CH)
13CEB Annex G
14Center For Bioinformatics (BC)
15Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM)
16Central Heat Plant (CHP)
17Central Services (CS)
18Chemistry Building (CB)
19Child Care Center (CCC)
20Child Care Facility (CCF)
21Children's Behavioral Center (CBC)
22Children's Behavioral Center - Unit A (CBCA)
23Children's Behavioral Center - Unit B (CBCB)
24Christina M. Hixson Softball Park
25Church Fine Arts (CFA)
26Clark Administration (CA)
27Claude Howard Systems Admin Building (See - NSHE) (SAB)
28Computer Center (CC)
29Continuing Education Building (CE)
30Crowley Student Union (See - Joe Crowley S.U.) (JCSU)
31Davidson Academy (Jot Travis Building) (JT)
32Davidson Mathematics and Science Center (DMSC)
33Department of Pediatrics (PDO)
34Dining Conference Center (DCC)
35Edmund J. Cain Hall (EJCH)
36Environmental Research Facility (ERF)
37Equestrian Center (EC)
38Facilities Services (FS)
39Famiy Medicine Center (Bringham Building) (FMC)
40Fitzgerald Student Services Building (FSSB)
41Fleischmann Agriculture (FA)
42Fleischmann Planetarium (FP)
43Football Practice Field (John Sala Intramural Field)
44Football Stadium (Mackay Stadium) (SAB)
45Frandsen Humanities (FH)
46Getchell Building (GB)
47Harry Reid Engineering Laboratory (HREL)
48Honor Court
49Howard Medical Sciences (HMS)
50Jones Center (JC)
51Jot Travis Building (JT)
52Jow Crowley Student Union (JCSU)
53Juniper Hall (JH)
54Knowledge Center (See - Mathewson / IGT K. C.) (MKC)
55Knudsten Resource Center (KRC)
56KUNR Radio (Inside Edmund J. Cain Hall) (EJCH)
57Lawlor Events Center (LEC)
58Legacy Hall (LEGH)
59Leifson Physics (LP)
60Library (Mathewson / IGT Knowledge Center) (MIKC)
61Life Science (LS)
62Lincoln Hall (LHD)
63Living Learning Community (LLC)
64Lombardi Recreation Center (LR)
65Mack Social Science (MSS)
66Mackay Mines (MM)
67Mackay Science (MS)
68Mackay Stadium (S)
69Manville Health Science (MHS)
70Manzanita Hall (MAH)
71Manzanita Lake
72Marguerite W. Peterson Building (Athletics Academy Center) (MWPB)
73Mathewson / IGT Knowledge Center (MIKC)
74Morrill Hall Alumni Center (MH)
75Motor Pool (MP)
76National Judicial College (NJC)
77Nell J. Redfield Building (Student Health Center and Speech Pathology & Audiology) (NJR)
78Nellor Biomedical Sciences (NBS)
79Nevada Historical Society (NHS)
80Nevada State Health Laboratory (NSHL)
81Northern Nevada International Center (NNIC)
82Nye Hall (NH)
83Orvis Building (OB)
84Overlook Food Court (Inside Jot Travis) (JT)
85Palmer Engineering (PE)
86Parking Services (PS)
87Paul Laxalt Mineral Engineering (LME)
88Paul Laxalt Mineral Research (LMR)
89Pennington Annex (PA)
90Pennington Health Sciences Building (PHS)
91Pennington Medical Education Building (PMB)
92Police Department (Inside Fitzgerald Student Services) (FSSB)
93Purchasing Department (PDO)
94Quafrangle (Quad)
95Real Estate Office (REO)
96Renewable Resource Center (RRC)
97Reno KNPB Building (RKB)
98Reynolds School of Journalism (RSJ)
99Robert Cashell Fieldhouse (CFH)
100Ross Hall (RH)
101Sagebrush Newspaper Office (See - Jow Crowley S.U.) (JCSU)
102Sarah H. Fleischmann Building (SFB)
103Savitt Medical Science (SMS)
104Schulich Lecture Hall (SLH)
105Scrugham Engineering / Mines (SEM)
106Sierra Hall (SH)
107Sierra Street Paring Complex (SPC)
108Softball Park (See - Christina M. Hixson S.P.)
109Special Children's Clinic (SCC)
110Sports Medicine Complex (SMC)
111Stadium Visitors Locker Room (SLH)
112Student Services (Fitzgerald Student Services) (FSSB)
113Student Union (Jow Crowley Student Union) (JCSU)
114Tennis Courts
115Thompson Building (TB)
116U.S. Post Office (USPO)
117University of Reno Police Department (FSSB) (UNRPD)
118University Village (UV)
119USAC (Inside Virginia Street Gym) (VSG)
120Valley Road Greenhouse Complex (VRGC)
121Valley Road Research Modular (VRRM)
122Virginia Street Gym (VSG)
123West Stadium Parking Complex (WSPC)
124White Pine Hall (WPH)
125Whitemore - Peterson Institute (Center for Molecular Medecine) (CMM)
126William J. Raggio Building (WRB)
127William Peccole Park (WPP)
128Wolf Pack Athletics East (WPAE)

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