Communication Arts Center (CAC) at UNI

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12304 College Street
2Alumni House
3Athletic Fields
4Bartlett Hall (BAR)
5Begeman Hall (PHY)
6Bender Hall (BEN)
7Biology Research Complex (BRC)
8Business & Community Services (BCS)
10Campbell Hall (CAM)
11Center for Energy and Environmental Education (CEEE)
12Center for Multicultural Education (CME)
13Child Development Center
14Commons (COM)
15Communication Arts Center (CAC)
16Continuing Educationg / Curris Business Building (CBB)
17Curris Business Building (CBB)
18Dancer Hall (DAN)
19East Bartlett (SSC)
20Environmental Health and Safety Building / 8628 University Avenue
21Facilities / 2601 Campus St.
22Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (BGPAC)
23Gilchrist Hall (GIL)
24Greenhouse (GNH)
25Hagemann Hall (HAG)
26Hillside Courts (HSC)
27Honors College / 2401 College St. (EMC)
28Industrial Technology Center (ITC)
29Innovative Teaching Technology Center (ITT)
30Jennings Courts (JCT)
31Kamerick Art Building (KAM)
32Lang Hall (LNG)
33Latham Hall (LAT)
34Lawther Hall (LAW)
35Marshall Center School (MCS)
36Maucker Union (MAU)
37McCollum Science Hall (MSH)
38McLeod Center (MCL)
39Noehren Hall (NRN)
40Panther Village
41Physical Plant (PHP)
42Power Plant (PPL)
43President's Home
45Redeker Center (RDC)
46Residence on The Hill Complex (ROTH)
47Richard O. Jacobson Human Performance Center (HPC)
48Rider Hall (RID)
49Rod Library (LIB)
50Russell Hall (RSL)
51Sabin Hall (SAB)
52Scindler Education Center (SEC)
53Seerly Hall (SRL)
54Shull Hall (SHU)
55Stayer-Wood Theatre (SWT)
56Student Health Center (SHC)
57Tallgrass Praire Center (NRV)
58Towers Center (TOW)
59UNI-Dome (DOM)
60University Apartments Office (UAP)
61Visitor Information Center (VIC)
62Warehouse 1 (WH1)
63Wellness / Recreation Center (WRC)
64West Gymnasium (WST)
65Wright Hall (WRT)

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