The Gardens L at TAMU

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11111 Research Parkway Building (ONRP)
212.47 KV Switching Station
31313 Research Parkway (Lynntech Building)
42 Research Park (2RPK)
5702 E University Building E
6Academic Building (ACAD)
7Activity Building
8Adams Band Hall (ADAM)
9Administrative Building
10Adriance Lab
11Aerospace HANGAR
12AG Comm Print Center & Storage Shed
13AG Engineering Power & Machinery Building (AEPM)
14AG Engr Res Lab & Shop (AESH)
15Agriculture And Life Sciences Building (AGLS)
16AgriLife Extension 4-H State Headquarters (4HHQ)
17AgriLife Services Building
18Agronomy Field Crop Laboratory
19Agronomy Field Lab (AGRL)
20Agronomy Greenhouse
21Agronomy Implement Storage
22Airport Hangar
23Airport-Aircraft Hanger J
24Albritton Bell Tower
25All Faiths Chapel (CHPL)
26Allen Building (Academic West) (ALLN)
27AM VI Office and Shops
28Animal Housing Unit
29Animal Science Equine Nutrition Barn (EQNB)
30Animal Science Stallion Barn
31Annenberg Presidential Library & Museum (BPCC)
32Anthropology Building (ANTH)
33Appelt Residence Hall (APPE)
34Aquaculture Lab
35Aquaculture Research Teaching Facility (ARTF)
36Aquatic Research Center
37Archaeological Projects Building
38Architecture Building B (ARCB)
39Architecture Building C (ARCC)
40Aston Residence Hall (ASTO)
41Automated Fabrication and Design Lab (RNCH)
42Bath House
43Beasley Laboratory (BEAS)
44Becky Gates Children's Center
45Beef Cattle Center Equip Storage
46Beef Cattle Center Feed Mill
47Beef Cattle Center Headquarters
48Beutel Health Center (BEUT)
49Billy Bryant Barn
50Biochemistry/Biophysics Building (BICH)
51Biological Control Facility (BCC)
52Biological Sciences Building East (BSBE)
53Biological Sciences Building West (BSBW)
54Biology Greenhouse
55Biology Storage
56Bizzell Hall (BIZL)
57Blocker Building (BLOC)
58Bolton Hall (BLTN)
59Borlaug Center for Southern Crop Improvement (SCIC)
60Break Room and Central Utility Plant
61Briggs Hall - Dorm 3 (BRIG)
62Bright Building (HRBB)
63Bright Football Complex (BFC)
64Business Management Services Building (BMSB)
65Business Management Services Record Storage
66Butler Building
67Butler Hall (BTLR)
68Buzbee Leadership Learning Center
69by USDA-Exotic Animal Holding Pens
70Cable Wire Storage
71Cain Hall (CAIN)
72Cardiovascular Pathology Laboratory (CPAT)
73Cater-Mattil Hall (CMAT)
74Cattle Feeding
75Cattle Processing
76CE/TTI Office & Lab Building (CVLB)
77Centeq Building (CEN)
78Center for Urban and Structural Entomology (CUSE)
79Central Campus Parking Garage (CCPG)
80Central Utility Plant (CUP)
81Chapel & Assembly Hall
82Chemical Supplies Storage
83Chemistry (CHEM)
84Chemistry CHAN (CHAN)
85Chemistry Chemical Storage
86Civil Engineering Building (CE)
87Civilian Lounge - A1
88Civilian Lounge - A2
89Civilian Lounge - A3
90Civilian Lounge - C1
91Classroom At Challenge Course
92Clements Residence Hall (CLEM)
93Clinical Building 1
94CMP-Animal Housing Unit
95CMP-Housing Unit
96CMP-Quarantine Unit
97Coastal Engineering Lab (CEL)
98Coke Building (COKE)
99Commons (COMM)
100Compost Shed
101Compressor House
102Computing Services Center (CSC)
103Concrete Materials Laboratory (CONC)
104Conservation Projects
105Conservation Research Lab
106Control Tower
107Corps Lounge - A
108Corps Lounge - B
109Corps Lounge - E
110Corps Lounge - F
111Cotton Ginning Lab
112Cotton Greenhouse
113Cox-McFerrin Center for Aggie Basketball
114CRL Storage
115Crop Testing
116CUSE - Chemistry (INSC)
117CUSE-Insect Testing Lab
118CUSE-Research Labs
119CUSE-Shop & Storage
120CUSE-Special Project Lab & Storage
121CUSE-Toxicology Hut
122Davis Football Player Development Center
123Davis-Gary Residence Hall (DAVI)
124Doherty Building (DRTY)
125Donald L. Houston Building (DLH)
126DPC Annex (CSA)
127Dr. David E. Schob Military Appreciation Home
128Dry Feed Storage Facility
129Duncan Dining Hall (DCAN)
130Dunn Residence Hall (DUNN)
131Easterwood Airport Control Tower
132Easterwood Airport Electrical Vault
133Easterwood Airport Hangar
134Easterwood General Aviation Terminal
135Easterwood Hangar 1091
136Easterwood Hangar 1092
137Easterwood Maintenance Support Facility
138Easterwood Rescue and Fire Facility
139Easterwood Shops
140Ecology & Natural Resources Teaching Pavilion
141Electrical Distribution Storage
142Electron Beam Food Research Facility (EBRF)
143ELEN Storage
144Emergency Operations TRNG Center
145Emerging Technologies Building (ETB)
146EMS Classroom/EMS Storage
147Energy Systems Lab
148Engineering Industries Building (ANIN)
149Engineering Innovation Plant (EIC)
150Engineering Research Building
151Entomology Apiary Building
152Entomology Research Lab (ERLB)
153Eppright Residence Hall (EPPR)
154Equestrian Building @ Brazos Co Expo Center
155Equine Athletic Riding Arena
156Equine Center Restroom
157Equine Center Stable (EQCT)
158Equine Gait Analysis Building
159Equine Hay & Grass Storage
160Equine Initiative Barn
161Equine Initiative Concessions/Locker Building
162Equine Initiative Education Building
163Equine Initiative Equestrian/Locker Building
164Equine Initiative Equipment Shed
165Equine Initiative Outreach Building
166Equine Initiative Warm Up Arena
167Equine Initiative Warm Up Arena
168Equine Initiative Western Arena
169ESTI 3-Story Project
170ESTI Annual School/Vendor Store
171ESTI Apartment Complex Fires
172ESTI API Storage Tank Fires
173ESTI Automobile Fires
174ESTI Bathroom (Hazardous Materials Area)
175ESTI Bathroom (Industrial Area)
176ESTI Bathroom (Marine Area)
177ESTI Bathroom (Parker's Privy)
178ESTI Bathroom (Ryan's Roost)
179ESTI Bobtail/Transport Fires
180ESTI Breaching/Breaking Tunnel System
181ESTI Breathing Apparatus Compressor Building
182ESTI Breathing Apparatus Maze
183ESTI Breathing Apparatus Repair Building
184ESTI Breathing Apparatus Storage
185ESTI Business Office
186ESTI Chemical Complex Fires
187ESTI Commercial/Retail Complex Fires
188ESTI Crane Operations Shelter
189ESTI Drill Tower
190ESTI Drill Towners (Steel/Brick) Shelter
191ESTI EMS Classroom
192ESTI EMS Office
193ESTI EMS Shop/Storage Building
194ESTI Exterior Shoring Shelter
195ESTI Extinguisher Refill Building
196ESTI Field Maintenance Shelter
197ESTI Fixed System Classroom
198ESTI H. D. Smith Operations Complex
199ESTI Hay Barn
200ESTI Hazardous Material Classroom
201ESTI Hazardous Materials Classrm/Marketing Office
202ESTI Hazmat Office
203ESTI Hazmat Storage
204ESTI Hazmat Warehouse
205ESTI Hose Evolutions
206ESTI Hose Loads
207ESTI Industrial Bunker Gear Drying Building
208ESTI Industrial Classroom
209ESTI Industrial Classroom A&B
210ESTI Industrial Classrooms A&B
211ESTI Industrial Complex Building Collapse
212ESTI Industrial Office
213ESTI Industrial Technician Office/Shop
214ESTI Interior Shoring Project
215ESTI Interior Shoring Shelter
216ESTI Lifting/Moving Shelter
217ESTI Loading Terminal Fires
218ESTI LPG Fires
219ESTI Marine Classroom/First Aid
220ESTI Marine Engine Room Fires
221ESTI Marine Ship Superstructure Fires
222ESTI Marine Vessel Project
223ESTI Marine/EHS Office
224ESTI Marines Ship Deck Fires Shelter
225ESTI Multi-purpose Building
226ESTI Multi-Use Shelter
227ESTI Multi-User Shelter
228ESTI Municipal Classroom
229ESTI Office Complex Building
230ESTI Passenger Train (7 Cars)
231ESTI Pipe Rack Fires
232ESTI Private Sector Office
233ESTI Process Unit Fires
235ESTI Pump Alley Fires
236ESTI Pump Maintenance Building
237ESTI Pump Maintenance Shelter
238ESTI Pump Operations Building
239ESTI Pump Seal Fires
240ESTI Pump/Vehicle Maintenance
241ESTI Rail Tank Car Loading Rack Fires
242ESTI Recruit Classroom/Fire Station
243ESTI Rescue Classroom
244ESTI Rescue Classroom A&B
245ESTI Rescue Vessels
246ESTI Salvage & Overhaul
247ESTI Single Family Building
248ESTI Sprinkler Systems
249ESTI Strip Mall Collapse
250ESTI Support Building
251ESTI Tank & Dike Fires
252ESTI Technical Equipment Storage
253ESTI Tunneling System
254ESTI Warehouse Building
255ESTI Warehouse Fires
256ESTI Warehouse Shelter
257ESTI Wood Storage
258Evans Library (LIBR)
259Extension Center Office Building
260Extraction Building
261Farm Service Chemical Storage
262Farm Service East Wing
263Farm Service Implement
264Farm Service Implement
265Farm Service Lab & Office
266Farm Service Maint Shed
267Farm Service Northwest Shed
268Farm Service Office Building
269Farm Service Shop
270Farm Service Storage 2
271Farm Service West Wing Shed
272Farm Superintendent House
274Fats & Oils Processing Building
275Fermier Hall (FERM)
276Field Lab Equipment Shed
277Field Lab Implement Shed
278Fire Station
279Fleet Services
280Flight Lab Storage
281Floriculture Building A
282Floriculture Building B
283Floriculture Building C
284Floriculture Farm Storage Building
285Floriculture Greenhouse (FLGH)
286Floriculture Growing Facility
287Floriculture Research Greenhouse
288Food Protein
289Forage and Turf Greenhouse
290Forest Genetics - Greenhouse (FGGH)
291Forest Science Greenhouse
292Forest Science Laboratory Building (FSLB)
293Forest Science Storage
294Fountain Hall - Dorm 4 (FOUN)
295Fowler Residence Hall (FOWL)
296Francis Hall
297Fred Dollar Food Services Commissary (FOOD)
298Freeman Arena (FREE)
299Gainer Hall - Dorm 5 (GAIN)
300Gamma Radiation Lab
301General Services Complex (GSC)
302Generator Storage Building
303George Bush Presidential Library (BPLM)
304George P. Mitchell '40 Outdoor Tennis Center
305GERG East Lab & Office Building
306GERG Gas Shed
307GERG Main Office Building
308GERG Portable Building
309GERG Solvent Shed
310GERG Warehouse
311Gilchrist Building (T.T.I.) (GGB)
312Golf Course Clubhouse (GOLF)
313Golf Course Maintenance Shop
315Greenhouse-Cotton Taxonomy
316Greenhouse-Small Grains
317Ground Maintenance Supply Building
318Ground Support Equipment Shed (Easterwood Airport)
319Ground Water Storage Tank
320Grounds Maintenance - Tractor Shed
321Grounds Maintenance Greenhouse
322Grounds Maintenance Greenhouse 4
323Grounds Maintenance Greenhouse 5
324Grounds Maintenance Office Shop/Store
325Grounds Maintenance Potting Shed
326Grounds Maintenance Storage
327Grounds Shop Warehouse
328GSC Portable Building
329GTE Optical Remote Module (ODM) Facility @ Research
330H&K Equipment Storage Building
331H. Grady Ash, Jr. '58 Leadership Learning Center
332Haas Residence Hall (HAAS)
333Hagler Center (HGLR)
334Halbouty Geosciences Building (HALB)
335HAM Radio Modular Building
336Harrell Hall - Dorm 8 (HARL)
337Harrington Education Center Classroom Building (HECC)
338Harrington Education Center Office Tower (EDCT)
339Harrington Hall - Dorm 11 (HARR)
340Hart Residence Hall (HART)
342Hazardous Waste Office & Support Building
343Hazardous Waste Storage Building
344Health Professions Education Building
345Heaton Hall (HEAT)
346HEEP Center (HPCT)
347HEEP Laboratory Building (HLB)
348Heldenfels Hall (HELD)
349Helsel Park Restrooms
350Henderson Hall (HEND)
351Hensel Park Picnic Shelter
352Hensel Park Picnic Shelter
353Hensel Park Picnic Shelter
354Hensel Park Telecom Building
355Hobby Residence Hall (HOBB)
356Honey Bee/Apiary Services Building
357Horse Center (HRCT)
358Hort & Plant Science Greenhouse
359Hort/SF Greenhouse
360Horticulture Classroom
361Horticulture Field Laboratory
362Horticulture Garden Volunteer Office
363Horticulture Greenhouse (HTGH)
364Horticulture Implement Shed - A
365Horticulture Implement Shed - B
366Horticulture Office
367Horticulture Science Field Residence & Storage
368Horticulture Shop
369Horticulture Shop and Garage
370Horticulture Veg Breeding Greenhouse
371Horticulture Vegetable Greenhouse
372Horticulture/Forest Science Building (HFSB)
373Hotard Hall (HOTA)
374Hughes Residence Hall (HUGH)
375Hullabaloo Residence Hall
376Implement Storage Shed
377Instructional Materials Serv
378Integrated Ocean Drilling Building (ODP)
379Interdisciplinary Barn
380Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Building (ILSB)
381IODP/Oceanography Building
382Isolation Barn
383ITSI Storage
384Jack E. Brown Chemical Engineering Building (CHEN)
385Jack K. Williams Building
386James J. Cain '51 Building (ENPH)
387Joe C. Richardson Petroleum Engineering Building (RICH)
388John H. Lindsey Building (LIND)
389Johnson Track & Field
390Joint Library Facility with UT
391Julia And Mark Ellis '79 Soccer Building
392Keathley Residence Hall (KEAT)
393Kiest Hall - Dorm 2 (KIES)
394Klebanoff-Saric Wind Tunnel (Unsteady Wind Tunnel) (KSWT)
395Kleberg Center (KLCT)
396Koldus Building (JJKB)
397Krueger Residence Hall (KRUE)
398Kyle Field (KYLE)
399Laboratory Animal Care Building (LARR)
400Lacy Hall - Dorm 6 (LACY)
401Land. Air, Space Robotics
402Langford Architecture Center Building A (ARCA)
403LARR Support Personnel Building
404Laundry @ The Gardens
405Lechner Residence Hall (LECH)
406Legett Residence Hall (LEGE)
407Leonard Hall - Dorm 7 (LEON)
408Liberal Arts and Arts & Humanities Building (LAAH)
409Livestock Housing
410Lone Star Gas Protector Building
411Luedecke Building (Cyclotron) (CYCL)
412Maintenance Machine Shed
413Maintenance Shop at Central Utility Plant
414McFadden Residence Hall (MCFA)
415McFerrin Athletic Center-Indoor Football
416McFerrin Athletic Center-Indoor Track
417McKenzie Terminal Building
418McNew Laboratory (MCNW)
419Mechanical Engineering Office Building (MEOB)
420Mechanical Tech Lab
421Medical Research Education Building
422Medical Sciences Library (MEDL)
423Melbern G. Glasscock Building (GLAS)
424Memorial Student Center (MSC)
425Metal Building
426Military Sciences Building (MILS)
427Milner Hall
428Mitchell Inst. For Fundamental Phys. And Astronomy (MIST)
429Mitchell Physics Building (MPHY)
430Mitchell Tennis Center Ticket Booth
431Moore Communications Center (KAMU)
432Moore-Connally Building
433Moses Residence Hall (MOSE)
434Mosher Residence Hall (MOSH)
435Mosquito Research Lab
436Munnerlyn Astronomy & Space Sciences Engineering (MASS)
437Murray Case Sells Storage Building
438N.S.C. Hyperbaric Lab
439Nagle Hall (NGLE)
440National Aerothermochemistry Lab, Building 1
441National Aerothermochemistry Lab, Building 2
442National Center for Therapeutics Manufacturing (NCTM)
443Nautical Archaeology
444Nautical Archeology Storage
445Neely Residence Hall (NEEL)
446Nicks Low Speed Wind Tunnel (WIND)
447Non Surgical Animal Procedure
448North Gate Post Office Building
449Northside Parking Garage (NSPG)
450Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (NMR)
451Nuclear Science Center Laboratory
452Nuclear Science Cntr
453Nursery Floral Field Laboratory (NFFL)
454Nutrition/Physiology Center
455Ocean Drilling Test Facility
456Oceanography & Meteorology Building (O&M)
457Office Building
458Office of the State Chemist Building
459Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC)
460Oil Tanks Boiler House
461Olsen (E.D.) Grove Picnic Area
462Olsen Field at Bluebell Park (OLSN)
463Olsen Field Batting Cage Facility
464Omar Smith Instructional Tennis Center (WCTC)
465Paint Booth
466Parking Booth At PA35
467Parking Toll Booth At PA72
468Parking Toll Booth-Easterwood
469Parsons Cav Caretaker Facility
470Parsons Mounted Cav Tack Room
471Pat Barrett Bunker Gear Drying Facility
472Pavilion (PAV)
473Pearce Animal Pavilion (PRPV)
474Penberthy Intramural Sports Center (PISC)
475Perennial Grass Breeding and Genetics (PGBG)
476Peterson Building (PETR)
477Photosensitivation Lab
478Phy Plant - Grounds Maintenance (PPGM)
479Physical Education Activity Program Building
480Physical Education Boot Camp and Archery Annex
481Physical Plant Administration & Shops (PLNT)
482Physics Teaching Laboratory (OBSV)
483Plant Science Grain Sorghum Greenhouse
484Plant Science Greenhouse
485Player Development Center - West Campus
486Plumbing Fabrication Shop
487Poultry Health Research Lab (PHRL)
488Poultry Sci Comparative Rearing
489Poultry Sci Environmental Biotechnology
490Poultry Sci Environmental Res
491Poultry Sci Equipment Storage
492Poultry Sci Gamebird Rearing & Flt Pen
493Poultry Sci Gamebird Repro & Management
494Poultry Sci Handling & Judging (POSC)
495Poultry Sci Integrated Repro
496Poultry Sci Intensive Mgt & Rearing
497Poultry Sci Nutrition & Phys (PSNP)
498Poultry Sci Repro & Embryology
499Poultry Science Broiler
500Poultry Science Broiler
501Poultry Science Caged Layer
502Poultry Science Caged Layer
503Poultry Science Feed Mixing
504Poultry Science Headquarters (FARM)
505PreFabWood Frame Office Building - Riverside Campus
506President's Residence (PRES)
507Price Hobgood Ag. Engineering Research Lab (HOBG)
508Processing Lab
509Psychology Building (PSYC)
510Publications Pro Center
511Pump House
512Purchasing & Stores (PRCH)
513Purchasing & Stores - General Storage
514Purchasing & Stores - Volatile Storage
515RadiatiOn Biology
516Radioactive Waste Hut
517Rance Science Field Lab
518Reed Arena (REED)
519Reed House
520Reed-McDonald Building (RDMC)
522Refuse Collection Maintenance
523Reproductive Sciences Building A
524Reproductive Sciences Building B
525Reproductive Sciences Building C
526Reproductive Sciences Building D
527Reproductive Sciences Building E
528Reproductive Sciences Building F
529Reproductive Sciences Building G
530Reproductive Sciences Building H
531Reproductive Sciences Building I
532Reproductive Sciences Building J
533Reproductive Sciences Lab (REPR)
534Research Park Maintenance Building
535Research Park Switching Station
536Research Support Building
537Rest Rooms
538Reynolds Medical Sciences Building (REYN)
539Rifle Range
540Riverside Water Distribution Pump Station
541Robotic Observatory (OBSR)
542Rollins Urban and Structural Entomology Facility
543Rosenthal Meat Science & Technology Center (MSTC)
544Rudder Residence Hall (RUDD)
545Rudder Tower (RDER)
546SAE Building
547Sam Houston Sanders Corps of Cadets Center (SCCT)
548Sample Processing Laboratory
549Satellite Utility Plant No. 1 (SUP1)
550Satellite Utility Plant No. 2 (SUP2)
551Satellite Utility Plant No. 3 (SUP3)
552Sbisa Dining Hall (SBSA)
553Schmidt House
554School of Public Health - A
555School of Public Health - Admin Building (SPHADM)
556School of Public Health - B
557School of Public Health - C
558School of Public Health - Classroom Building (SPHCLS)
559School of Public Health - Lab Building (SPHLAB)
560Schubot Aviary BR Facility
561Schuhmacher Residence Hall (SCHU)
562Scoates Hall (SCTS)
563SCS Forage Greenhouse
564SCSC Small Grain Greenhouse
565SCSC-Weed Sci Greenhouse
566Sewage Plant
567Shed -VP Student Services
568Shed At Challenge Course
569Sheep & Goat Center
570Sheep Feeding
571Small Upland Fowl Res Lab
572Smith Tennis Center (OMAR)
573Soccer/Intramural Restroom
574Softball Building
575Soil & Crop Dry Sci Processing
576Soil & Crop Greenhouse
577Soil & Crop Peanut Greenhouse
578Soil & Crop Sci Greenhouse
579Soil Testing Lab (STL)
580Soil/Crop Cotton Genetic Greenhouse
581Solvent Extraction Building
582South Side Parking Garage (SSPG)
583Southern Crop Improvement Greenhouse
584Spence Hall - Dorm 1 (SPEN)
585State Chemist Building (STCH)
586State HGTRS Thermal Plant
587Storage and Lab-Cyclotron
588Storage and Research Lab
589Storage Building
590Storage Shed
591Storage Shelter
593Student Recreation Center (SREC)
594Substation (West Campus)
595Swimming Pool No. 2
596TAC Realty Hanger
597TAES Annex Building (TAES)
598Teague Research Center (TEAG)
599TEES Emergency Services Lab
600TEES Record Archive
601TEES Smoke Detector Research
603TEEX - ITSI Tech Building
604TEEX - PS&S Driving Track Pavilion
605TEEX - PS&S Firing Range Classroom
606TEEX - PS&S Gym
607TEEX - PS&S Office Building
608TEEX - PS&S Prop House
609TEEX - PS&S Prop House
610TEEX - PS&S UXO Demo Range Pavilion
611TEEX - PS&S UXO Search Grid Pavilion
612TEEX Copy Center
613TEEX Covered Training Area
614TEEX EUPWTI Building
615TEEX EUPWTI Parking
616TEEX Hanger/Classrooms (ELTC)
617TEEX ITSI Garage & Offices
618TEEX ITSI Offices
619TEEX ITSI Offices - Water Lab
621TEEX Storage
622TEEX Warehouse
623Telecommunications Building
624Telecommunications Optical Remote Building
625Tennis Court Restrooms
626Texas A&M Institute For Genomic Medicine (TIGM)
627Texas A&M Institute for Preclinical Studies A (TIPS A)
628Texas A&M Institute for Preclinical Studies B (TIPS B)
629Texas A&M Institute for Preclinical Studies C (TIPS C)
630Texas A&M Polo Club Stables
631Texas A&M System Agency Office Building (AMSB)
632Texas Vet Med Diagnostic Lab (VMDL)
633The AgriLife Center (AGCT)
634The Gardens F
635The Gardens G
636The Gardens H
637The Gardens J
638The Gardens K
639The Gardens L
640The Gardens M
641The Gardens N
642The Gardens P
643The Gardens Q
644Theriogenology Facility, Equine Reproduction (VMTF)
645Thompson Hall (THOM)
646Thomsen Animal Euthenics Center
647Tick Research Facility (TICK)
648Track & Field Center Ticket Booth
649Track & Field Support Center
650Track Bleacher Storage
651Traditions Golf Learning Center
652Trailer House @ Tereco
653Trans Center Paint Storage
654Transit Services
655Transportation Car/Bus Wash building
656Transportation Services Barricade Storage
657Truck Maintenance Shop
658TTI Environmental & Emissions
659TTI Erosion and Sediment Control Laboratory/Rainfall
660TTI Hangar Office Building
661TTI Machining Facility
662TTI Pavements Research Facility
663TTI Pendulum Test Facility
664TTI Safety Division Hangar
665TTI State Headquarters & Research Building (TTIHQ)
666TTI Storage
667TTO Research
668Turbo Lab Storage
669Turbo Lab Support Building
670Turbo Machine Storage Facility
671Turbomachinery Laboratory
672Turfgrass Field Lab (TURF)
673TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
674TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
675TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
676TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
677TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
678TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
679TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
680TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
681TVMC-Animal Isolation Building
683TVMC-Barn No 2
684TVMC-Barn No 3 (VMB3)
685TVMC-Caged Animals (VMCA)
686TVMC-Deer Shelter
687TVMC-Equine Breeding Facility
688TVMC-Experimental Animal Building
689TVMC-Isolation Laboratory
690TVMC-LAB Animal Shelter
691TVMC-Pole Building
692TVMC-Poultry Disease Research
693TVMC-Poultry Research
694TVMC-Reproduction Barn
695TVMC-Small Animal Building
696TVMC-Small Animal Research Building (VIV2)
697TVMC-Surgery Building (VMSB)
698TVMC-Wildlife & Exotic Animals
699TX Forest Service GH Headhouse
700TX Forest Service Greenhouse
701U.S.D.A. Hangar
702U.S.D.A. Hangar No. 1
703U.S.D.A. Hangar No. 3
704U.S.D.A. Hangar No.2
705U.S.D.A. Hangar No.4
706Underwood Residence Hall (UNDE)
707University Apartments Community Center
708University Apartments Community Maintenance Building
709University Center Parking Garage (UCPG)
710University Services Building (USB)
711US&R Warehouse
712USDA Greenhouse 1
713USDA Greenhouse 2
714Utay Hall - Dorm 12 (UTAY)
715Utilities & Energy Services Business Office (UBO)
716Utilities & Energy Services Central Office (UCO)
717Utilities & Energy Services Energy Office (UEOA)
718Utilities Inventory Warehouse Building 1
719Variety Testing and Sorghum Breeding (FSSB)
720Varsity Soccer Press Box
721Vending Machine Booth
722Vet Med Research Building Addition
723Veterinary Anatomic Pathology (VAPA)
724Veterinary Large Animal Hospital (VLAH)
725Veterinary Medical Sciences Building (VMS)
726Veterinary Medicine Administration (VMA)
727Veterinary Research Building (VRB)
728Veterinary Small Animal Hospital (VSAH)
729Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH)
730Vice Presidents Residence (PRVP)
731Virus Vector Research Lab
732Vivarium III (VIV3)
733VMP Shop
734Volatile Storage
735Volatile Storage Building
736W.P. Luse Foundation Building (LFB)
737Walton Residence Hall (WALT)
739Warehouse No. 7098
740Warehouse No. 8508
741Warehouse No. 8511
742Warehouse No. 8512
743Warehouse No. 8513
744Warehouse No. 8516
745Warehouse No. 8517
746Warehouse No. 8518
747Warehouse No. 8519
748Warehouse No. 8521
749Warehouse No. 8522
750Warehouse No. 8523
751Warehouse No. 8524
752Warehouse No. 8529
753Warehouse No. 8530
754Wash Rack
756Water and Valve Hut
757Water Distribution Pump Station No 1
758Water Distribution Pump Station No 2
759Water Tower
760Weed Science Field Lab
761Wehner Building (WCBA)
762Wells Residence Hall (WELL)
763West Campus Library Facility (WCLF)
764West Campus Office Pavilion
765West Campus Parking Garage (WCG)
766West Campus Switching Station
767White (G.R.) Conference Center
768White Hall - Dorm 10 (WHIT)
769Whitely Hall - Dorm 9 (WHTE)
770Wildlife & Exotic Animal Center
771Wildlife, Fisheries, and Ecological Sciences (WFES) (1537)
772Williams Alumni Center (CLAC)
773Wind Tunnel Compression Building
774Wireless Telecommunications Facility
775Wisenbaker Engineering Building (WEB)
776WWTP Digester Boiler Building (TPBB)
777WWTP Disinfection Building (TPDB)
778WWTP Equipment Storage Building
779WWTP Primary Pump Building (TPPP)
780WWTP Secondary Pump Building (TPSP)
781YMCA Building (YMCA)
782Zachry Engineering Center

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